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Short interview done by my Instructor regarding the Spread the Love Project

Posted by Julie Green on Wednesday, June 1, 2011, In : Project News 

Short interview done by my Instructor regarding the Spread the Love Project

Intructor: What can I do to help with your project?

JG: I’m glad you asked. I could use some help with editing. In particular, I’m going to write a letter that I give to businesses that will explain the project and ask for permission to sell roses in their establishment.

Intructor: What physical shape will your project take?

JG: There is a presence online.
There will be local campaigns to increase volunteer a...

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Alpha Eta Iota Logo for my school's Phi Theta Kappa Chapter

Posted by Julie Green on Tuesday, May 31, 2011,
I made this for my school's Phi Theta Kappa chapter and a facebook page. I hope to tie this project in with the Alpha Eta Iota chapter at Portland Community College.

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Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates in Oregon

Posted by Julie Green on Monday, May 30, 2011, In : About Volunteering - Research and Stats 

 Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates in Oregon

From: – information on volunteering and civic engagement -

I want to share some information I found regarding Volunteering in Oregon. My hopes are that other organizations can tap into some trends that increase volunteerism and avoid obstacles that reduce participation. I would also like to increase my understanding so I can motivate folks to do more serv...

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Why I'm Into Service Work (THANKS Red Cross and CERT)

Posted by Julie Green on Sunday, May 29, 2011, In : Projects & my Point of View 

Preparedness for disasters is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. Nature and manmade disasters are devastating to people’s lives, the economy, and the environment. Whether it’s an earthquake, pandemic or nuclear hazard, disasters cause havoc and affect many for a long period of time. Media has shown us images of people whose lives have been completely changed by disasters, but unless you have been a victim of one, it’s difficult to fully empathize with the kind of issues they fa...

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Posted by Julie Green on Wednesday, May 25, 2011, In : Motivation 
Someone gave this to me and it has been a great motivational tool. I want to share it with you. This applies to pretty much all people and endeavors. I hope you are successful in achieving all your goals. J Julie



1.     THEY DON’T ALLOW THEMSELVES TIME TO SUCCEED. It takes 13 years to become a doctor, 6 years to become a lawyer, and 1,000 hours to become a barber. Yet, too many people try just a few months or a few weeks. And then decide ...

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Volunteer with the Kids - something amazing happens

Posted by Julie Green on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, In : Volunteering Activities 

I’m a mom and I like to mom-smart not mom-hard (it’s like work-smart not work-hard). If I can double duty something I will. If I can turn a family outing into a fun educational experience, I can’t pass up the opportunity.

I have taken my son out to volunteer with me and I must say it’s always such a positive experience for both of us. For one thing, it’s an activity we do together and that kind of things just strengthens the relationship. TOGETHER we played a part to make the worl...

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Rose Festival

Posted by Julie Green on Sunday, May 22, 2011, In : Volunteer Oppertunity 

It’s just a few weeks away! The Rose Festival is a big deal. It’s the Portland community’s biggest city wide celebration that’s been going on for over 100 years. Everyone around here knows about the Rose Festival. And when you say that you have Volunteered for the Rose Festival you are given true-blue Portlander brownie points galore. Heck, I’d put it on my resume.

There are quite a few volunteer opportunities for a variety of Rose Festival events. Most of them are just a few hou...

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Boise, Idaho

Posted by Julie Green on Sunday, May 15, 2011, In : Projects & my Point of View 

I'm in Boise, Idaho today for an Honor's Society (Phi Theta Kappa) conference. The last couple of days have been about recognizing accomplishments and developing people’s potential. There were awards given and information shared about service projects that are to better our communities.

One group from Utah, did a project on the sex trade industry and they learned that no state is immune to this activity. Women that are caught by this crime believe they can’t tell anyone about their situa...

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Social Networking and Support

Posted by Julie Green on Friday, May 13, 2011, In : Project News 
Wow! I am so impressed with how well social networking is to get a message out and rally people behind a cause. I can see how it weaves people and ideas together in such a powerful way.

Today I was able to get 25 people to show support on my fan page in less than two hours. I'm truly impressed that in just a couple days there are already dozens of people that support this project. It's not like the old days when one would pas out a bunch of flyers and it seemed like they went into a black hole...
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Launching this Project

Posted by Julie Green on Wednesday, May 11, 2011, In : Project News 
I'm anxious to get this party started. I'm getting the basics in place. Website-check, Facebook fan page-check, E-mail-check, Tweeter account-check... now I need to do some design work. I need a logo, some business cards, and few other additions before I go out and hit the streets with flowers in hand. I'd like to develop a resource page for folks to access links and contacts for volunteering agencies. So much to do, so exciting to be doing it.
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About Me

Julie Green I'm a student at Portland Community College and this is my honors project. I've done a lot of service work over the years and if there one thing that I learned, it is that doing volunteer work pays you with rewards that money just can't buy. I want others to know these rewards because it'll help make us better people and improve our world one action at a time.

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