Spread the Love Project ---  Activity Report:
This is to track the project, Identify things that work, and provide transparency
 Dates: 5/25/2011 to 5/31/2011

Comments: This was the project’s third week.  There were some huge jumps in the website, twitter, and facebook exposure and interactions. I’ve narrowed down the discipline to:
1. Volunteering statistics (what factors that promote or inhibit volunteering?),
2. Motivational Theory Psychology (what motivates people to take action?)
3. Using technology to communicate (How can I use technology to get the message out in the most effective way?)

 Notable Milestones: Designed and ordered business cards, created project portfolio for Honors class, created work flow diagram, Blog was featured on Red Cross web site

To do:  write letter for businesses explaining the project, , Contact international volunteer agencies (research started), develop a financial goal for travel (started), develop distant campaign (started), develop local campaign , develop a video plan (backburner)

New Personal Contacts Made: 4/10
Total Personal Contacts Made: 10
Number of places visited: 0
Comments about places: none

New money brought in: $0.00
Total amount to date: $0.00
Percentage to meet goal: 0%
Money spent/ why?: $35.00 for business cards 5/29/11
Total account balance: -$35.00

Hits for the week: 44
Busiest day for hits in the week & why: 5/31 , Red Cross featured a blog from the site
Number of new blogs: 4/10
New Volunteer contact info listed:0
New pages created: 0
Multimedia pieces created: 0

Facebook Fan Page:
Post views: 1,984 up 1.4%
Post feedback: 3
New likes: 8
Lifetime likes: 53
Weekly active users: 279
Weekly active users%:  up 118 %
Busiest day of the week: Tuesday, not sure why

Male: 34% Female: 58% (19% are females between the ages of 35-44)

Countries: 48united states, 2 Canada, 2 UK, 1 Serbia

Tweets: 73
followers: 67
Following: 307